
Organizational Consciousness – a shortcut to transformation


Organizational Consciousness – a shortcut to transformation

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AI & Leadership 9 Strategies for Navigating the Unknown as a Leader

In our approach “Conscious” is nothing weird, esoteric or mystic: rather, it signifies being fully aware, awake, and accountable—taking ownership of our choices and living and working with purpose, intention, and clarity. It’s about acting with mindfulness and intentionality, rather than reacting habitually or driven by unconscious patterns.

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What is the meaning of “conscious”?

In our approach “Conscious” is nothing weird, esoteric or mystic: rather, it signifies being fully aware, awake, and accountable—taking ownership of our choices and living and working with purpose, intention, and clarity. It’s about acting with mindfulness and intentionality, rather than reacting habitually or driven by unconscious patterns.

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Can Digital Marketing be Conscious?

We’re all aware by now of the application of persuasive design practices used by brands and businesses to coerce us into buying things we don’t need, but are we aware of its global impact on our future?

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Organizations are facing huge challengesThey find themselves in an everchanging and fast moving world. The management logic and systems are outdated: plans, budgets, numbers, predict and control doesn’t work, but are still being enforced.People feel disengaged, frustrated, burned out, not empowered, not appreciated.The focus on the creation of shareholder value has led to the exploitation of humans, nature, suppliers and sometimes even customers.The overall volatility and complexity creates ever more confusion and disorientation enforcing old patterns of looking for security in rigid management systems.The current focus is merely on more technology, more data and exploitation of humans While technology, processes and systems have been developed at an incredible speed and effort, little to no focus has been put on the development of what we call personal and organizational mastery. Our capacity to mentaly deal with these changes is rather limited, we feel overwhelmed and start to disconnect ourselves internally and externally. Many organizations these days have turned into artificial places where people behave in a denaturalized and artificial way.Many problems such as the lack of creativity, innovation and engagement are not technical problems. They are part of the realm of human mind, therfore this is the territory to meet and address them.People feel isolated and separated.People feel separated, isolated, alone. This leads to mistrust and an even stronger disconnect between people, functions, business units and to customers.This dual thinking of I vs You, We vs Them, leads to mistrust, communication problems, hunting and blaming, fear and cover-my-ass mentality, a You or Me world.Projects are started to “fix” that problem – culture & value projects. Behaviors are defined, and people are asked to change their behaviors accordingly.Most of these processes take a lot of effort, a long time, and are very linear in trying to establish eg. “trust” as value. But how can it be asked for and demanded, when trust is the emergent result from the feeling of connectedness.New organizational models are being exploredOrganizations are not delivering results any more: they are too slow, too unflexible and so are the structures as well as the “old” industrial paradigm of hierarchy, order and lines of control.The current state-of-the-art organization development looks at the creation and invention of connected, agile, flexible, sociocratic etc. models. Wholeness, purpose- and self-drivenness are the new underlying principles.The main focus lies again on “technical” questions: how to hire people, incentive systems, meeting designs, role descriptions, organizational processes of communication and interaction. A definition of a shared core-purpose that connects all parts of the organizations and the definition of shared behaviors, values, principles.These projects and words fail to reach people on an emotional/spiritual level.Problems cannot be solved in the same space in which they show upWe think all of that is important to bring new spirit and possibilities into social systems. They help to make something new workable.Nevertheless, solutions are still engineered in the same space in which the problems arise. This is why it takes so long and so much effort with so little results so far. One could say that you are looking in the wrong space.And still the the underlying problem of duality, the deep sense of separatedness is not even addressed.What we need is a transformation of the mind Transformation results from a deeper sense of being as well as a deeper experience of being connected – we call this organizational consciousness or conscious organizations.“Technical approaches” are necessesary to make transformation workable – but a deep sense of connectedness is needed to make it possible, to allow it to happen. The experience of pure being, awareness and consiciousness on an “individual” as well as on a “collective” level.Exploring into consciousness of being and a deep connection is the basic key to developing a culture of trust, understanding, connection, creativity and happiness Organizations need consciousness of their own true nature. Stillness of mind, self-exploration and changing the state of mind is also possible on a collective organizational level.For us this is the most clear and obvious place to look. While many management thinkers look for enforced solutions on the “solid” level of “matter,” they miss out the power coming from the deeper levels of consciousness.John Hagelin made an interesting point: The deeper you go, the more powerful you get. Gaining energy on the surface (coal) versus the atomic, the nuclear level. The deeper and smaller you go, the more energy you release. There is no point talking to a stone on an “abracadabra” level – it does not understand you and wont turn into gold. The really powerful transformation work is when accessing deeper levels of consciousness.Results are a function of Being, not of WantingWhile most people and organizations focus on what they want to have and what they have to do in order to get that (which seems kind of normal at first sight), we call this the direction of thinking.Bt life just works exactley the other way around.We start to realize that we need to focus on our BEING instead. When we start DOING different things and acting differently then our HAVING will be new and will have changed.These new tools we need to learn are simple human capacities such as stillness, meditation, such as listening, being, presencing, asking questions. Tapping into the emerging wisdom of the moment. In a nutshell…
Links:Radical Transformation in 3 Schritten / Julia Culen Exploring the nature of consciousness / Julia CulenCan big firms be agile? / Gary Hamel / Forbes.comWhy exponential technological change need humanity / Gerd Leonhard / LinkedIn

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AI & Leadership 9 Strategies for Navigating the Unknown as a Leader

In our approach “Conscious” is nothing weird, esoteric or mystic: rather, it signifies being fully aware, awake, and accountable—taking ownership of our choices and living and working with purpose, intention, and clarity. It’s about acting with mindfulness and intentionality, rather than reacting habitually or driven by unconscious patterns.

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What is the meaning of “conscious”?

In our approach “Conscious” is nothing weird, esoteric or mystic: rather, it signifies being fully aware, awake, and accountable—taking ownership of our choices and living and working with purpose, intention, and clarity. It’s about acting with mindfulness and intentionality, rather than reacting habitually or driven by unconscious patterns.

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Can Digital Marketing be Conscious?

We’re all aware by now of the application of persuasive design practices used by brands and businesses to coerce us into buying things we don’t need, but are we aware of its global impact on our future?

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Organizations are facing huge challengesThey find themselves in an everchanging and fast moving world. The management logic and systems are outdated: plans, budgets, numbers, predict and control doesn’t work, but are still being enforced.People feel disengaged, frustrated, burned out, not empowered, not appreciated.The focus on the creation of shareholder value has led to the exploitation of humans, nature, suppliers and sometimes even customers.The overall volatility and complexity creates ever more confusion and disorientation enforcing old patterns of looking for security in rigid management systems.The current focus is merely on more technology, more data and exploitation of humans While technology, processes and systems have been developed at an incredible speed and effort, little to no focus has been put on the development of what we call personal and organizational mastery. Our capacity to mentaly deal with these changes is rather limited, we feel overwhelmed and start to disconnect ourselves internally and externally. Many organizations these days have turned into artificial places where people behave in a denaturalized and artificial way.Many problems such as the lack of creativity, innovation and engagement are not technical problems. They are part of the realm of human mind, therfore this is the territory to meet and address them.People feel isolated and separated.People feel separated, isolated, alone. This leads to mistrust and an even stronger disconnect between people, functions, business units and to customers.This dual thinking of I vs You, We vs Them, leads to mistrust, communication problems, hunting and blaming, fear and cover-my-ass mentality, a You or Me world.Projects are started to “fix” that problem – culture & value projects. Behaviors are defined, and people are asked to change their behaviors accordingly.Most of these processes take a lot of effort, a long time, and are very linear in trying to establish eg. “trust” as value. But how can it be asked for and demanded, when trust is the emergent result from the feeling of connectedness.New organizational models are being exploredOrganizations are not delivering results any more: they are too slow, too unflexible and so are the structures as well as the “old” industrial paradigm of hierarchy, order and lines of control.The current state-of-the-art organization development looks at the creation and invention of connected, agile, flexible, sociocratic etc. models. Wholeness, purpose- and self-drivenness are the new underlying principles.The main focus lies again on “technical” questions: how to hire people, incentive systems, meeting designs, role descriptions, organizational processes of communication and interaction. A definition of a shared core-purpose that connects all parts of the organizations and the definition of shared behaviors, values, principles.These projects and words fail to reach people on an emotional/spiritual level.Problems cannot be solved in the same space in which they show upWe think all of that is important to bring new spirit and possibilities into social systems. They help to make something new workable.Nevertheless, solutions are still engineered in the same space in which the problems arise. This is why it takes so long and so much effort with so little results so far. One could say that you are looking in the wrong space.And still the the underlying problem of duality, the deep sense of separatedness is not even addressed.What we need is a transformation of the mind Transformation results from a deeper sense of being as well as a deeper experience of being connected – we call this organizational consciousness or conscious organizations.“Technical approaches” are necessesary to make transformation workable – but a deep sense of connectedness is needed to make it possible, to allow it to happen. The experience of pure being, awareness and consiciousness on an “individual” as well as on a “collective” level.Exploring into consciousness of being and a deep connection is the basic key to developing a culture of trust, understanding, connection, creativity and happiness Organizations need consciousness of their own true nature. Stillness of mind, self-exploration and changing the state of mind is also possible on a collective organizational level.For us this is the most clear and obvious place to look. While many management thinkers look for enforced solutions on the “solid” level of “matter,” they miss out the power coming from the deeper levels of consciousness.John Hagelin made an interesting point: The deeper you go, the more powerful you get. Gaining energy on the surface (coal) versus the atomic, the nuclear level. The deeper and smaller you go, the more energy you release. There is no point talking to a stone on an “abracadabra” level – it does not understand you and wont turn into gold. The really powerful transformation work is when accessing deeper levels of consciousness.Results are a function of Being, not of WantingWhile most people and organizations focus on what they want to have and what they have to do in order to get that (which seems kind of normal at first sight), we call this the direction of thinking.Bt life just works exactley the other way around.We start to realize that we need to focus on our BEING instead. When we start DOING different things and acting differently then our HAVING will be new and will have changed.These new tools we need to learn are simple human capacities such as stillness, meditation, such as listening, being, presencing, asking questions. Tapping into the emerging wisdom of the moment. In a nutshell…
Links:Radical Transformation in 3 Schritten / Julia Culen Exploring the nature of consciousness / Julia CulenCan big firms be agile? / Gary Hamel / Forbes.comWhy exponential technological change need humanity / Gerd Leonhard / LinkedIn