
What is the meaning of “conscious”?

In our approach “Conscious” is nothing weird, esoteric or mystic: rather, it signifies being fully aware, awake, and accountable—taking ownership of our choices and living and working with purpose, intention, and clarity. It’s about acting with mindfulness and intentionality, rather than reacting habitually or driven by unconscious patterns.

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Creating Zones of Stability

We need stability in agility and agility in stability. But the unquestioned bias towards change, innovation and transformation has lead to an imbalance of stable and flexible elements.

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3 Major Myths In Leadership Unpacked

Learn about common misunderstandings in leadership and what leader are not responsible for. In this article we introduce the 3 main myths of Leadership, that we meet over and over again and unpack them from our point of view.

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Holistic Purpose

Organizations, who are trying to find their own purpose. Employees who ask for meaning, because they want to make sure they spend their lifetime on something that matters.

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Discover The
Conscious Consulting Podcast

Together with our Senior Advisors we integrate wisdom from science, ancient traditions, conscious business, leadership, and technology into your daily life as a leader, consultant, or entrepreneur.

Welcome to the Conscious Consulting Podcast. Today, we are honored to have Prof. Madhumita Chatterji as our guest. Dr. Chatterji is the Director of ABBS

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In this episode we will talk with Sebastian Bechinger, Austria’s first and only (for now) Neurodiversity Coach. He also is a movement therapist.  Systemicc coach

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Welcome to a new episode of the Conscious Consulting Podcast! Christian Mayhofer, CCG co-founder, executive consultant, psychotherapist and Zen Monk talks to a group of

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In this short podcast we explore  – key qualities and principles of Conscious Leadership – the difference between heroic leadership and conscious leadership – and

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