
What Daoism teaches us for leadership and consulting with Daoist Teacher Shantena Augusto Sabbadini and Founder of CCG Christian Mayhofer

When ancient kings have looked for answers they sought help in old wisdom traditions such as Daoism. Famous Daoists like Lao Tzu were the leadership consultants of these times.

And until this day the wisdom of Daoism is highly valuable when it comes to the business-related questions of our times – therefore we need to bring it back to the modern world.

In this episode of the Conscious Consulting Podcast Daoist Teacher Shantena Augusto Sabbadini and Founder of the Conscious Consulting Group Christian Mayhofer talk about what it means to be a Daoist Leader and how to apply this old wisdom in the leadership and consulting practice.

So sit back, relax and enjoy a wonderful new episode on the Conscious Consulting Podcast.

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What is the meaning of “conscious”?

In our approach “Conscious” is nothing weird, esoteric or mystic: rather, it signifies being fully aware, awake, and accountable—taking ownership of our choices and living and working with purpose, intention, and clarity. It’s about acting with mindfulness and intentionality, rather than reacting habitually or driven by unconscious patterns.

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15′ on Integration

Welcome to a new episode of the Conscious Consulting Podcast! Christian Mayhofer, CCG co-founder, executive consultant, psychotherapist and Zen Monk talks to a group of

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