
FUTURE OF WORK – Our Relationship with Ourselves, Nature and Machines by CCG Advisors

What will the future of work look like, in relationship with ourselves, nature and machines? Once a month our senior advisors from all around the world come together to explore trending topics and enrich current conversations from diverse backgrounds like Psychotherapy, Daoism, Holism, Buddhism, Modern Science and Business. This time we  talk about the future of work.  

Sit back, relax and enjoy a wonderful new episode on the Conscious Consulting Podcast.

If you want to dive deeper into Conscious Consulting, visit ccg-group.eu and subscribe to our newsletter, so we can stay connected. 

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What is the meaning of “conscious”?

In our approach “Conscious” is nothing weird, esoteric or mystic: rather, it signifies being fully aware, awake, and accountable—taking ownership of our choices and living and working with purpose, intention, and clarity. It’s about acting with mindfulness and intentionality, rather than reacting habitually or driven by unconscious patterns.

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15′ on Integration

Welcome to a new episode of the Conscious Consulting Podcast! Christian Mayhofer, CCG co-founder, executive consultant, psychotherapist and Zen Monk talks to a group of

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In this short podcast we explore  – key qualities and principles of Conscious Leadership – the difference between heroic leadership and conscious leadership – and

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