
Accessing the mind through the body – with Feldenkrais

Welcome to the Conscious Consulting podcast, bringing together wisdom, leadership and consulting. My name is Julia Culen, co-founder of Conscious Consulting Group and I will be your host for this episode on the art of deepening awareness through movement. Our guest today is Karin Novozamsky, Brand Strategist and Feldenkrais professional. Together we dive deep into the questions how to make our body and life a welcoming and powerful place to be in. And what we can learn from Feldenkrais about Leadership, Organization Development and Consulting. Thank you for joining us for these next 45 minutes. 

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Books, mentioned in the  interview:
  • Jenny Odell: How to Do Nothing – Resisting the Attention Economy
  • Moshé Feldenkrais: The Potent Self
Books about the Method, by and about Moshé Feldenkrais:
  • Edward Yu: The Art of Slowing down
  • Moshé Feldenkrais: Higher Judo, Groundwork
  • Christian Buckard: Moshé Feldenkrais
  • Norman Doidge: The Brain’s Way of Healing (Chapter 6)
Books  to read and meditate on:
  • David Foster Wallace: This is Water
  • Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching
  • Marcus Aurelius: Meditations 
  • Kay Larson: Where the Heart Beats, John Cage, Zen Buddhism, and the Inner Life of Artists
  • Wayne Muller: A Life of Being, Having, and Doing enough


Karin Novozamsky: karinnovozamsky@apassionthing.com

Apt – A passion thing Brand Consultancy www.apassionthing.c

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