
Why Humor Can’t Be Taken Seriously Enough!

Welcome to the CCG Podcast. My guest today is Giora Seeliger, artistic director and founder of Red Noses International with the purpose of „bringing humor and laughter to those in need of joy“. 

Red Noses International is active in 11 countries with 650 clowns, working with children in hospitals, the elderly and people in crisis, like refugees.

Today I talk with Giora about the power of laughter and joy, the art of clowning, Leadership 

A couple of years ago I invited Giora and his Team to work with my clients during a Leadership Offsite Event with the intention to spark trust through joy. And I am excited to share this story for the first time in public. 

I am very excited to have Giora here today and look forward to this conversation!


Giora Seeliger Wikipedia 


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