

Welcome to the Conscious Consulting Podcast! 

In this episode, Julia Culen, founder of the Conscious Consulting Group, discusses participatory leadership and its role in the emergence of conscious businesses with our guest, MANSI JASUJA, a practitioner of Conscious Business, an Art of Hosting and Harvesting Meaningful Conversations specialist, a speaker, and a systems rebel. She’s also a warrior of the heart and a wonderful human being!

We talk about topics such as: 

  • a deep exploration of participatory leadership and its pivotal role in the emergence of Conscious Businesses.
  • the collective contributions needed for business transformation toward consciousness
  • the significance of authenticity and self-leadership in this context
  • the need to not only rehumanize our workplaces but also ourselves.
  • the importance of dialogue and conversations
  • And we highlight the importance of questions and unveil the secret to profound transformation. 

So, tune in and join us as we navigate this fascinating journey into the world of conscious leadership and business transformation!


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