
Meet: Shantena Augusto Sabbadini, Quantum Physicist & Daoist Teacher

A magical conversation is here for you. Today´s guest is our senior advisor Shantena Augusto Sabbadini, a well-known Quantum Physicist, Teacher of the Dao & I Ching as well as the Director of the Pari Center and Teacher at Schumacher College.

To become all of the above requires a deep journey of unbecoming and becoming and Shantena shares this journey with us today. He reveals how he contributed to the field of quantum physics, helped to discover the first black hole, went through a spiritual awakening, and discovered ancient wisdom. He also shares the story of how Osho gave him the name “Shantena”.

Shantena also adds his view on the current situation, his take on consulting, and answers the question of whats the secret to a good life for him.

So make yourself a tea, take a deep breath, and enjoy this incredible life story on the Conscious Consulting Podcast.

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